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Ascentium Capital Blog

Informative topics to help small businesses thrive

  • 11 Do’s and Don’ts for Designing Winning Display Ads

    August 20, 2018  - Tips for Small Business
    image of multiple device screens with digital advertising in text
    Design is a crucial part of any marketing campaign’s success. Campaigns are intended to raise the profile of your brand and drive customers to buy your products or services. With a growth in spending from $83 billion in 2017 to a predicted $129.23 billion in 2021, perfecting the appeal of your digital advertisements is extremely critical. (Read More...)
  • Detailing Being Green So Your Commercial Car Wash Shines

    August 6, 2018  - Industry NewsCar Wash
    Image of silver car going through automatic car wash
    Fewer and fewer of us nowadays are enjoying the experience of washing our car in our own driveway on a Saturday morning. It was a first car owner's ritual; soaping up the car with a big sponge and rinsing it off with the garden hose. Before we all assume it's the youth of today not wanting to put in a little hard work and elbow grease, we should realize . . . that's only part of the problem. The main issue is the waste water run-off from these seemingly harmless chores. That sudsy water running off your driveway into the street is called nonpoint runoff and it is the leading cause of fresh water nonpoint source (NPS) pollution in the United States. And, it is causing many states and communities to ban the once typical suburban activity. (Read More...)
  • Flexible Financing Helps This Car Wash Tower Above the Competition

    July 30, 2018  - Customer ReviewsCar Wash
    Image showing Robert Powell owner of Tower Car Wash
    When Robert Powell left the banking industry to fulfill an entrepreneurial dream, he looked for a business that would be a good fit and would grow. When Tower Car Wash & Detail Center came on the market in 2005, Powell could see it was not only a match for his small business dreams, but with the right service, offerings, and customer experience for those who frequented his Batavia, Illinois location . . . he could clean up. (Read More...)
  • Construction Trends — The Times They Are a Changin’

    July 23, 2018  - Construction
    image of hard hat and architectural documents on drafting table
    It used to be that the most high-tech piece of equipment on a construction or building site might have been the back hoe or front-end loader. As Bob Dylan once sang, the times they are a changin' . . . today's residential and non-residential construction sites are employing innovative new technologies and ideas to make projects stronger, safer and smarter. (Read More...)
  • Hard vs Soft Credit Checks and What Your Financial Lender May Pull

    June 11, 2018  - Tips for Small Business
    image showing a print-out of a credit report on a desk next to a keyboard
    As we go about our lives, we have our financial discipline monitored by the three big consumer bureaus – Equifax®, Transunion®, and Experian™ – and your FICO Score is built using this consumer bureau data. Even the best of us have experienced that moment of fear when we hear that we need to have our credit pulled . . . and we don't know where our number will land. Not all credit pulls are created equal, however; there are important distinctions between hard and soft credit pulls, or credit checks, and the Fair Reporting Credit Act dictates when and why credit reports may be pulled. The two forms of credit inquiries have different effects on your credit report and FICO credit score across the reporting agencies. (Read More...)
  • Big Chain Hotels Turn Small Town

    image of hotel front reception desk with service bell and blurred employees in background
    In the face of big box stores, Amazon taking over retail online, and national chain restaurants in every community, local companies have mounted a campaign to revitalize community businesses. The “shop small” approach has taken America by storm and the hospitality industry has sat up, fluffed their pillows and taken notice. (Read More...)
  • How SMBs Can See Financing Like Lenders

    May 7, 2018  - Tips for Small Business
    illustration of a business woman shaking hands with a business man depicting business partnership and investment
    Entrepreneurs are idea people, and every day they grow business concepts into great small to medium sized businesses (SMBs). Often this starts on a small scale and once the business plan is proven and some traction takes hold, these same entrepreneurs are already thinking: What can I do better? How can I broaden my reach? How can my business grow and flourish? And, many times the answer is simply: money. (Read More...)
  • When Your Press Release Has Text Appeal You’ll Get Noticed

    May 1, 2018  - Tips for Small Business
    image of the word how with illustrations that depict writing a press release
    Our “Anatomy of a Press Release” series has arrived at its final installment: H, or the “How”. How you write your press release is critically important. You need to capture the reader's attention, clearly convey your topic and your company's benefit statement and offer a call to action (CTA) to generate interest. To do all of that, it needs to have text appeal. (Read More...)
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