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11 Do’s and Don’ts for Designing Winning Display Ads

August 20, 2018  - Tips for Small Business
image of multiple device screens with digital advertising in text

Design is a crucial part of any marketing campaign's success. Campaigns are intended to raise the profile of your brand and drive customers to buy your products or services. With a growth in spending from $83 billion in 2017 to a predicted $129.23 billion in 2021, perfecting the appeal of your digital advertisements is extremely critical.

Before discussing the “Do's” and “Don'ts” for designing a digital advertisement, you must define the goals of your campaign and determine the best way to reach your target audience. Would a minimalist and simple design perform better than a loud and flashy design? Would creating something interactive for your customers work? Whatever design you choose, it needs to contribute to making your ad successful.

There is a psychological aspect to designing a display advertisement. The colors and photographs chosen all play a role in evoking emotion when someone is looking at your ad. In the 1970s the average person was exposed to about 500 advertisements a day. Now, an average person is exposed to approximately 5,000 per day. According to USCDornsife, 31% of ads with some kind of emotional pull succeed, versus 16% success of ads that focus on rational content. Like emotions, color can have a similar effect on a person. Having your call-to-action button colored green instead of yellow may increase conversion rates by 14.5%.

There is a lot to think about when it comes designing a display ad, and we've compiled these quick tips.

The do's and don'ts of digital ad design:

The world of digital advertising is constantly changing, and there is no magic design that works for every company. However, if you do your research, know your audience and spend ample time on crafting your strategy, you can find success.

Still in need of some inspiration to kick off designs for your next digital ad? Check out Digital Marketing Institute's listing of some of the most impactful digital campaigns.


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