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Painting Perfection: This Spray Booth Manufacturer Designs Success with Ascentium

July 5, 2022  - Customer Reviews
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With over 30 years' experience in manufacturing and selling capital equipment, Ron Fraley, Director of Marketing & Sales at Ameri-Cure Inc. knows what his clients need to succeed. When it came to offering financing to his commercial customers, Ron's diligence in vetting commercial equipment financing providers focused on the client experience, requiring references and several months of transactions, looking for consistency and excellent service.

Ascentium Capital reached out to Ron decades ago seeking the opportunity to work with Ameri-Cure and demonstrate the value we bring. Fraley really liked the consultative no-pressure approach and grew more confident referring potential clients to Ascentium Capital.

quote by ron fraley Ascentium continued to outperform other lenders


The ultimate decision to team up with Ascentium Capital has played a significant role in Ameri-Cure’s success. After consistently meeting and surpassing Fraley’s high standards, Ascentium Capital was chosen as Ameri-Cure's exclusive financing provider with a direct link on the company’s website.

“Speed is critical and working with Ascentium enables potential clients to quickly review their options. We see deals funded same day,” said Fraley. His clients like the deferred payment and various term options and the opportunity to get the equipment onsite generating revenue ahead of the associated expense.

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Ameri-Cure Inc. has grown to be a leader in spray booth manufacturing since their establishment in 1974. Their Total Solution Technology has made them a superior choice in waterborne spray booth and drying systems technology. American made and manufactured in Gilbert, AZ, their proven designs are derived from over 40 years of experience working directly with customers and paint manufacturers across North America. Booths are built to exacting standards with premium quality components providing high performance and profitability to customers across the nation.

ron fraley quote i recommend ascentium capital

“Ascentium continues to offer the best solutions and a wider variety of solutions for our customers. This strengthens our sales process by enabling clients to acquire equipment quickly and start generating revenue. We greatly appreciate the unique personalized approach of the Ascentium team of specialists,” said Fraley.

Fraley is proud to have a large repeat client base, and boasts, “You have to be fresh, and Ascentium enables us to provide the equipment our customers need. As needs change, Ascentium offers flexibility to meet changing needs and overcome challenges.”

‘What is really special about Ascentium is we get the same response to our customers – the first, second, and 50th customers receive consistent personalized service.” explained Fraley. “Any business that’s looking for a company to provide financing for their clients, I recommend Ascentium Capital.”


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