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Small Business Loans

Need cash in a hurry? Get on the fast track with Ascentium Capital. Our short-term business loans provide the cash you need to drive growth and accelerate profits.

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Ascentium makes access to capital quick and easy

There’s no standing still in the world of small business, especially when getting the cash you need to fuel growth and generate more profits. With Ascentium Capital's short-term business financing, you’ll get the working capital you need to not just survive, but also thrive. Use the cash to expand, purchase inventory, advertise, or even pay taxes. We’ll work with you to get the fast and flexible loan that meets your specific needs and budget.

Ascentium Capital’s working capital loan approval process isn’t just based on your credit score. Instead, we take a complete, holistic view of your business, allowing us to make short-term business loan decisions quickly, and to deliver credit approvals for up to $250,000 of working capital.

Simplicity. Flexibility. Fast Approvals.

Ascentium Capital’s short term small business loans streamline the process and accommodate your company’s unique needs. We offer:

  • Simple credit application
  • Flexible terms from one to 24 months
  • Fast approvals with same-day funding
  • Convenient business loans (not a cash advance on future sales)
  • Flexible uses for funds for your diverse business needs

With a small business working capital loan from Ascentium Capital you not only get the financial assistance you need to push your business opportunity to the next level you will also have the peace of mind knowing you are working with one of the most recognizable names in the commercial financing and lending industry.

Call today for a free no-obligation consultation, we look forward to helping you grow.

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Ascentium has provided businesses with over $14 billion – capture your opportunities with flexible financing today!

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