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Suddenly Remote, Part 3: Tips for Remote Workers

graphic of woman working at home

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) is presenting new and unique challenges for businesses and their employees nationwide. Many are working remotely full-time for the first time, isolated from co-workers, friends and family. Daily lives and routines are disrupted which may cause anxiety and stress as well as strain us physically, mentally, and financially. In uncertain times, it is important to focus on the things that you can control. With that in mind, we have some tips to help employees who are suddenly working remote.

Prioritize your mental health and well-being

As we take precautions to protect ourselves against exposure to the Coronavirus, keep in mind that social distancing does not mean social isolation. Developing a daily strategy for self-care and awareness is an important step in navigating this crisis while protecting your mental health and well-being. Discuss your fears and concerns with people you trust. They are most likely feeling the same way.

Stay connected

Stay connected with your family and friends using technology such as FaceTime, Skype, Google Hangout and other video-based options. Virtual dinner parties, movie watch-parties and happy hours can help break up an otherwise solitary week and provide connections to look forward to on a regular basis.

Regularly engage with your employer and co-workers, too. Many companies have implemented technology like Microsoft Teams to support a remote work environment. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula. People have different work styles, different times at which they work and different work locations so it is important to embrace new ways of communicating. For key relationships or projects, you may want to establish standing virtual meetings.

Establish a daily schedule

Create and maintain a routine and schedule. Be flexible and expect to adapt and adjust as things can change daily. You can enjoy the lack of traffic on your commute to your home office and have a plan for the week ahead without the normal stressors of life outside of the house.

Set up a designated space for you and family members to work and learn. You’ll want to include designated times for your work and include breaks for self-care and recharging. If you have children, create a separate schedule for them so they know what is expected each day. Everyone's schedule will differ but ensure it works for you, your employer, as well as your home environment. There’s no one size fits all solution, but here is an example:

graphic with a sample calendar for a day working at home

Exercise and stay active:

This is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental health. Periodically, get up and move around your home. Walking, stretching, planks or jumping jacks—whatever works best for you to reduce or alleviate stress and increase endorphins. While our favorite gyms and fitness centers are closed during this time, many are offering free livestreams or app-based workouts for members and the general public, so check online to see what may be available.

photo of man walking in woods with his son on his shoulders
  • Get fresh air: If circumstances allow, go outside for a brisk walk and fresh air, but avoid crowds and try to maintain the recommended 6-foot distance with others.
  • Stay informed: Knowledge is power, and it's good to stay updated on progress being made in combatting the virus. Stay informed on the latest updates from reliable sources like the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Limit media consumption: Avoid continuous exposure to news, media, and social media that may trigger or elevate anxiety, stress, or panic. Stay informed by following few, authoritative resources.
  • Stay focused but keep healthy boundaries: When working from home, stay focused and try to avoid distractions. When you’re not working – enjoy your time. Closing your office door or putting your laptop away at the end of the workday can help you separate work and home life.
  • Distract and redirect: Engage in activities that benefit your well-being, bring you joy and distract you from existing challenges. This might include meditation and yoga, often offered free online. You may also enjoy journaling, reading, art projects, cooking with new recipes, breathing exercises, or listening to a calming podcast or music.
  • Get creative to stay connected: Share tips with co-workers and friends on what's working well for you and encourage them to do the same. Come up with new ideas like planning a Google Hangout to exercise together – try one-minute planks, 10 jumping jacks, or whatever you decide, just keep it simple. Share photos of pets and kids enjoying the new routine. The sky's the limit on creative ways to stay connected.
  • Keep a positive outlook!  This extremely challenging unprecedented situation is temporary, and attitude is contagious. Encourage others with positivity and things that are working for you.

Utilize virtual resources to learn something new

If you find yourself with downtime, the desire to learn something new or simply want to connect with others, there are numerous virtual/online resources available and many of them are free!  Below are some examples of professional and personal sites for both adults and children.


  • Free online courses by Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, and other top-ranking universities
  • Facebook Remote Working Resource Hub: Free tools, tips and advice to keep people informed and connected so everybody can be apart together
  • Skillcrush: Courses in Coding, Design, User Experience, and Digital Marketing (Not free, but they offer a 30-day money back guarantee)
  • Trello: Boards, lists, and cards enable you to organize and prioritize your projects in a fun, flexible, and rewarding way (Not free, but they offer a trial membership/test of product offerings)

photo of woman at laptop with online education concept graphic



Remember, things will continue to evolve

Already, some states have begun phased reopening plans. Many businesses will start to resume in-person operations with restrictions that help maintain social distancing, which will expand the opportunities for you and your family. Although it will be some time before the world is completely back to normal, remaining flexible and creative will enable you to make the most of each day.


Ascentium Capital supports businesses and their employees nationwide. Our flexible financing programs provide customizable solutions to help your company acquire technology and equipment to enable a successful remote work environment and prepare for a return to complete operations.

Contact us today to receive a no obligation quote.

The mention of or links to third-party information, services, products, or providers does not imply endorsement or support by Ascentium Capital. Individual research should be done before use of any product, process or service mentioned.


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