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8 Video Tools to Help Animate Your Marketing Efforts


Since the first silent film around 1891, followed by “talkies” in 1927 when The Jazz Singer was produced, people have loved moving pictures and animation. It engages them on a whole new level when they can see the action, and hear voices and noises. So, it’s no wonder that the introduction of video as a corporate marketing tool in social media and on corporate websites is not only accepted but helps your business come alive.

As we covered in a recent blog, Capturing Your Customers Attention with Video Marketing, there are many ways a company can add video to their marketing plan. Part of the creative direction of the video is dependent on what you are setting out to achieve: an education video versus a social clip? An advertisement versus a thought leadership piece? In addition, different types of videos support various formats from do-it-yourself (DIY) to high-end productions. Both types have their place, but for today we’d like to help our small to medium sized businesses (SMBs) with video tools that you can implement on your own.

To animate, or not to animate, that is the question

The power of pictures still holds strong– and there are options that can take snapshots and turn them into a running video, or take a combination of photography and actual video clips for a new professional looking video. The editing of videos has become much friendlier over time and setting against music can deliver high production value for low costs.

Animated DIY corporate videos caught hold over a decade ago with Slideshare and Brainshark. This was a way a creative marketing person could take that typical, text heavy PowerPoint presentation and turn the words into animated self-running slides to wow potential clients – and “wow” they did! Brainshark added the ability to record your voiceover to go along with the slide deck which elevated their presence and really gave businesses the opportunity to tell their story. Since that time, we have seen many tools hit the scene to provide zero to low cost options for videos that moved past the presentation/slide deck days.

Raise the curtain!

A recent video stat from Animoto states that four times as many consumers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. I can attest to that sentiment! This list is just a small sampling of options out there that are not only easy but are sure to engage your customers and prospects*:

Adobe Spark – Adobe offers a free graphic design app that allows users access to a design library and soundtracks. In addition to the photo and icon based videos, the app also creates social graphics or memes, and magazine style web stories.

Animaker – If you are a content marketer looking for a DIY option, Animaker could be the one. It has a simple, easy-to-use format and offers templates for making five different video styles and 120 different types of animated videos for business to DIY crafters. Pricing tiers.

AnimateNow – Business videos with a focus on explainer videos for websites and social media including whiteboard videos, Facebook videos autoplay videos, and infographic explainer videos. AnimateNow is a UK company that bills themselves as experts in online marketing and SEO.

Animoto – This tool is for personal or business use and combines photography, video footage and text for a video or slideshare video output that is professional. Free trial and attractive pricing.

Brainshark – Sales readiness company that offers rich voice-enabled content for businesses. Half the fortune 100 use Brainshark. They offer the ability to show video and traditional slides side-by-side.

GoAnimate – This animated video company offers business-focused videos with the ability to have your characters lip sync your script automatically. An assortment of background templates and customizable characters makes you the director! Take advantage of the free 14-day trial.

Moovly – Moovly touts their Studio editor as so easy to use that you can create a simple promotional or explainer video in less than 5 minutes. In addition to the business video options, Moovly also offers a bot that you can set up by connecting data feeds or a data base in order to create data driven videos.

Sparkol – Looking for an animated video where a hand writes out the words or draws the picture on the screen? That is a whiteboard video and this is Sparkol. Their second product turns photos into video. Buy one product, get the second free.

Exit, stage right

If you share across your social platforms, you will find engagement rise! Just remember that there are some video formats that are much more advantageous for social marketing platforms and others that are better for your website or in outbound marketing campaigns. Picking the type that makes sense for your brand, distribution plans, and type of story you are telling is easy with the number of options now available. Just as with your other marketing content, however, one size does not fit all, so choose your animated video types, visuals, length, and delivery wisely for the greatest impact.

The credits: Visual storytelling

Visual storytelling is an art in itself. Instead of written words describing or explaining your product or service, use video or animated images to convey your message. These videos should be authentic, relevant, and reflective of the human experience, and include characters that are identifiable to engage the viewer.

And remember – a story is built around the basics: a Beginning, Middle, and End. You build your story with the opening scene and an introduction of a crises. You will need a hopefully likeable main character that deals with this crises or conflict. Finally, there has to be a resolution of that problem. This conflict/resolution holds true whether its corporate video telling about the problem you solve for your community or world – or a how to go from a wasteland of a backyard to a personal oasis with a landscape architect.

Once you have your story line worked out, the fun begins!
The End


If you are looking for a business loan to direct and produce your big, star-studded feature, Ascentium Capital can help. Contact us to learn more on how we can help with your video marketing efforts as well as with office software, machinery, equipment, or technology. Our fast, flexible financing programs cover virtually any business need.


*The mention of or links to third-party information, services, products, or providers does not imply endorsement or support by Ascentium Capital. Individual research should be done before use of any product, process or service mentioned. 

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